2012년 12월 7일 금요일

This won't be my last post...

     In the facebook, everybody is talking about how to end blog with impact with minjok essay. When everybody was talking about the end of the blog, it reminded me of the moment when I first made the blog. I made this blog for English conversation class for Mr. Garrioch and I am still using it for my English class. I might not have used this blog if I recognized the fact that it would be reflected on my grades. However, by using blog for one years now, I started to like the concept of blog regardless of my grades. The grading will be ended in 10 minutes, but my blog will last forever!

2012년 12월 2일 일요일

Finding Myself

     After one year and a half, I have to feel out admission paper to the college. This means that I have to decide my major in a year and a half, which also means that I have to find out what I want to study profound. I've always thought that I would major in one of the subjects in natural science. However, I found more interests in other subjects in science after I studied in KMLA such as politics or laws. I could broaden my perspective in here KMLA and experience a lot of things. Mr.Tame's class helped me to think creatively and Mr. Menard's class helped me to think about my self identity by studying about the concept of minjok. Math class enabled me to study math more profoundly by studying about the concepts that I was not sure at. Other classes also helped me to broaden my perspective. I don't think that my academic ability has enhanced as certain amount that I wanted to achieve this year, however the wide outlook in field of study and life made my life was worth valuable.

2012년 12월 1일 토요일

Reflection on the Concept of Minjok

(Nazi was most proud of this poster among the numerous posters they have made)

Reflection on the Concept of Minjok

121132 Jo Hyung Woo
(Obama's acceptance speech)
     While minjok is often defined as "a community of people who have inhabited in same place sharing the same culture for long history", in fact this concept has become famous recently, during the Japanese colonial period. During the Japanese colonial period, Japan endeavored to destroy Korean culture by blurring Korean identity and enfeebling bonds between Koreans. Korean intellectuals who recognized Japan's intention have popularized the concept of minjok by giving a sense of similarity to Koreans so that the nation could be efficiently organized to stand against Japan. Furthermore, research has shown that the best way to organize the community was giving strong pride to the community's common ground. An epitome would be Hitler's usage of the concept "superior race" which not only evoked pride but also rapidly stabilized a defeated nation. It enabled HItler to form a strong army with a strong war spirit. Another adequate example would be Park Jung Hee's use of concept of minjok. He led noticeable economic development by encouraging people to work hard, claiming that the outstanding Korean minjok can achieve rapid development. Most of the politicians, recently, also started using such methods to persuade citizens. One of the most famous events related to this was the president election between Michael Dukakis and George H.W. Bush in 1998. Michael Dukakis was overwhelmingly leading George Bush, however, Bush succeeded in upsetting the election by using nationalistic symbols like the national anthem and the Star Spangled-Banner. Such national symbols played significant role in winning the election by defeating reason and activating emotion of voters.
(EBS Documentary prime "King Maker" edited by me)

(Part of Drama "The Newsroom")
     As previous examples show, the concept of minjok, or one nation has been mainly used as a tool to unite the dispersed crowds. In other words, the feeling of pride that Koreans felt was actually intended to effectively systematize a huge community. The concept of minjok is now actually becoming ambiguous as the society is being globalized. There are a lot of blood-mixed children in Korea, and the numbers are consistently increasing. There are no such concepts of race and pure-blood in our society. For instance one can be partially Korean, partially Japanese, partially Canadian. Nowadays, Koreans are
being proud of single-race nation, Korea. This pride sometimes leads us to unconditionally believe in race supremacy. There are such words like, 짠깨, 외놈, 양키, which insults Chinese, Japanese, American respectively. Such words show that we feel superior compared to other nation. Every citizen like to hear either their race or country is the best in the world. It gives them pride and sense of belonging. However, as the society is gradually turning into what we call a "melting pot", the concept of pure race or blood is disappearing. Pure race or blood is only a concept to persuade a crowd by appealing emotionally. In addition, the word "best" implies that one is superior compared to other competing concepts. There might be the best nation or race but it will always change following to the criteria, whether it is illiteracy rate or national defense expenditure. Thus, there is no such thing as an absolutely best nation or race.

      It is evident that the community needs a tool to keep the components united. However, the tool should be natural, not artificial. Since artificial tools can cause cultural or ethical exclusivism due to feeling of superiority, we should assemble people by appealing to such constructive emotions like patriotism which comes from respect to the community. Thus, we should have pride to the community that we are belonged but this pride should not go further to the extent that it becomes ultra-nationalism.
     We were unconditionally accepting the concept of minjok uncritically since it gave us pride and honor. However, we should think critically about the concept that may seem to benefit us. We should always be critical about the conception we encounter during our lives and we should never discriminate a person or a specific group by their "innate" characteristics. While writing this essay, I learned that I had to broaden my perspective by thinking creatively and questioning concepts which I believed to be an absolute answer.

In short, Koreans should be proud of the fact that they are a Korean but they should avoid nationalism. Examining the history of Korea, the concept of minjok has enabled us to effectively fight against Japanese colonial rule and accomplish unbelievable economic development. Therefore, most of the people think about the concept minjok positively. Nevertheless, the concept minjok is diminishing as the society is diversifying and now the term minjok is used politically to persuade people, for example, the Democratic Party(Korea)'s objection against FTA(Free Trade Agreement) with U.S.A. As the concept of minjok turns ambiguous, the best way to unite the community will be simple respect to other groups sprouting from the bottom of the heart.

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2012년 11월 24일 토요일

Changing Decisions

      Recently, changing one's promise has been an issue as president election is approaching. Current president is now being evaluated by electors and their questioning whether candidates have capability to keep their promises. It is true that “ Man should not change that they have said”, however we should recognize that changing some decisions according to the situation in necessary. To live in modern society, revised change should not be prohibited but proposed.
Decisions, it might seem unnecessary in human lives however it modified human history several times significantly. For instance, Truman’s decision to bomb Hiroshima has changed the history of science which easily enabled homicide. So, such decisions should be made seriously. So to be a perfect decision, it should be revised for several times
Decisions should be revised due to the numerous changes of the situation. When situations change, decisions should adapt to the changed situation to maintain its’ effectiveness. For example, when one decides to go abroad one week later and one have recognized that typhoon will strike one week after, one should change decision like changing dates. Even though this is an example of unimportant decision, some important decisions like which are from army seldom change following to the climate. If one refuses to change decisions when circumstances change the decisions would not have power than the previous one possessed. In addition, decisions are sometimes forced to change when circumstances modify. Even though one have decided to go to the University they wanted to attend, one should change their decisions when his or her scores are to low that one could not even register for the test
Moreover, unrevised decisions provoke anxiety and nervousness. When a person changes their decision when the situation changes, they would feel relaxed because revised decisions are the latest and has safety proved. On the other hand, when decisions are unrevised one would gradually feel anxiety because they believe that there decisions are old an inadequate to the changed circumstances.  An epitome would be the changed standards of acceptance of a school. When one prepared to go to the school and received qualification the school required previously, but they may change decision to go to that school because one cannot be accepted following to the changed standards. However, if one does not change his or her decision one would be nervous due to the decreased possibility of being accepted. So, one should change decision following to the changes of situation to be satisfied and relaxed.
    Furthermore, education changes the decision. When a person is educated, they might change the decision that they have made earlier.  After learning a specific fact that wasn’t previously educated, decisions might change because the fact will prove that the latter would be a better one. So, when one is educated they would have variety of decisions to make and also they would have improved ability. Rather than educations, there are also some changed circumstances that changes decisions like ability and accidents. For example, when one had a traffic accident and as a result one could not dance, one should change their decision being a dancer.
     In conclusion, one’s decision should be flexible rather than being stable to maintain the effectiveness of the decision, to be comfortable and modification which occurred in oneself. In the global society, stubborn leaders are not welcomed because they do not change imperfect decisions that they have made. To add, successful managers usually revise their decisions over and over when the situation changes over and over to make the situation easily adapt to the situation.

2012년 11월 19일 월요일

History of cryptology

History of cryptology
10B1 조형우
    Cryptography is derived from combination of two ancient Greek Words krypto meaning hidden and grafo meaning to write. Therefore the literal meaning of cryptology is “hidden writing” which is crucial tool for secure communication. Nevertheless, the first intention of the cryptography was not related to concealing the message, it was utilized to decorate tombs to make one’s life seem noble in Egypt, around 2,000 B.C. Cryptology have started from decoration but it developed and started to function as a tool to conceal messages. This history of cryptology is widely classified in three eras: from ancient civilizations to 1940s, around Second World War, after Second World War to modern society.
Cryptography was used for mainly three purposes in the ancient society which is private communications, delineation of religion and secure communication for military. The most important function in the ancient period was delineation of religion and decoration of tombs. For example, in the Book of Jeremiah, a few English words transformed into other English words: "hob"="sly", "hold"="slow", "holy"="slob", "horn"="slim", "zoo"="all", "irk"="rip", "low"="old", "glow"="told, and "grog"="tilt". Furthermore, it was sometimes used for secrete communications such as Caesar cipher which was used for politic purpose. This was a method shifting alphabet three positions so that e 'a' is transformed into 'd', 'f' into 'i', 'z' into 'c'. For example, if there is a word “Term paper” it will be enciphered to “Whuo SdShu”. So, the plaintext would be term paper, ciphertext would be whuo sdshu and the key would be shifting alphabet for three positions. Even though this technique might be seen easy to decipher, majority was not able to read such codes in the time of Julio Caesar which made cipher powerful. After Caesar cipher the development of cryptology was unnoticeable. Nevertheless the French diplomat Blaise de Vigenère have developed polyalphabetic cipher in 16th century. This cipher has been called “the unbreakable cipher” and actually has been unable to be broken for the four centuries. It has been deciphered by numerous researchers between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of 20th century. Another important, more modern, substitution cipher in the history of cryptography was The Hill cipher, a polygraphic substitution cipher. It was the first cipher which enabled use more than two symbols for a word.  Instead of substituting one letter for another letter, a polygraphic cipher one can substitute a word by more than a two group of words. This has made frequency analysis (a technique based on the fact that inside a text certain letters and combinations of letters occur with varying frequencies). attack ineffective since a word could be substituted by various words.
As time passed, when it became Second World War, people began to recognize the importance of machine in cryptography since machine was capable of making cipher more complicated and also easier to create cryptography. Therefore, Germans have made enigma machine which have played significant role win Second World War, which was used to encrypt and decrypt the cipher. As the war continued, however, allies were able to decrypt the cipher so that they could receive information about Germany. Therefore, some people believe that deciphering enigma was one of the main reasons of ally’s victory. As a result cryptography has played a significant role in the World’s History.
After Second World War, modern cryptology starts with the work that Claude Shannon have done during Second World War. He established the robust basis of cryptography by introducing the term called confusion and diffusion. First, confusion is a skill making the relationship between the key and the ciphertext complicated. On the other hand, diffusion is a skill spreading the influence of the plaintext over numerous ciphertexts. After introduction of two skills there were not significant developments at the beginning of the 1970s. However, in the mid 1970s there have been two major developments in the history of cryptography.  The first was the development of Data Encryption Standard by IBM which was used to develop secure electronic communication. Even though DES itself was not powerful enough, the alternatives made by using similar method was powerful enough to guarantee people secure communication. The second major development was development of new process, distributing cryptographic keys. It has raised the level of cryptography significantly since it have introduced asymmetric key algorithm to the world. Asymmetric key algorithm enables decrypting and encrypting key different. Therefore, we can designate one key of the pair as one private key and one public key(visible) so that no secure channel is needed for key exchange. So long as the private key stays secret, the public key can be widely known for a very long time without compromising security. In modern society, this is the ultimate version of the cryptography used in real life such as digital signatures and online purchasing.

2012년 11월 8일 목요일

Nacimera? American!

Nacimera? American!
121132 Jo Hyung Woo
      When people judge certain culture or a society, they do it in their own standards. Therefore, the evaluation differs from a person to person. This variety has derived from difference in personal experience, knowledge and the environment that the each panel was raised on. By their own standards, people sometimes criticize others and praise others. Therefore, there are some situations which seem extremely bizarre while others think it is not.
     For those people like me who are not familiar with metaphors, Body Ritual Among the Nacimera seemed like an article criticizing at Nacimeran culture. After having a lot of researches, however, I soon recognized that the article was actually focusing on American culture. When we spell the word nacimera backwards, it actually becomes the word American. Men scraping and lacerating the surface of the face with a sharp instrument meant shaving and women baking their heads in small ovens for about an hour meant drying hairs. Furthermore ancient code alludes that the doctor’s handwriting is illegible in prescription. There are other numerous metaphors that could be found in the book such as holy mouth man, medicine man etc. Actually, every sentences are metaphor of daily lives of American.
     After finishing the research, I was able to find out that the author was actually talking about the American culture. When I first read the article, I was not able to comprehend author’s intention since I was reading the passage based on by personal experience. There is a famous saying “ritual makes a society one, but it does not make societies one.” Rituals are an indigenous part of the society which differentiates society from others. Therefore, to fully understand others culture, one should approach in different perspective. The most important thing to understand other culture is to become free of bias which has been formed by rituals in one’s own society. As a matter of fact, to understand different culture, one should exclude prejudice and think outside of the box.

2012년 10월 29일 월요일

Monthly Toefl Essay#2

 Monthly Toefl Essay#2
       Airplanes, submarines and racing car: figurative of people’s imagination, enabled ardent human’s desire to fly above the cloud, travel to the world and trespass states in a single day. Human species are continuously developing by creating inventions, new social system and new culture. Humans are progressing every day, taking little step to the advanced society. As the time passes, these accumulated steps created an outstanding breakthrough in our society. Now, the 21st century has begun, and there will be a significant development in arms industry.
     First, the power structure of the globe is facing new phase in the 21st century. At the end of the 20th century, United States had no equal to stand against its superpower. The world has constantly changed, however, and China has grown enough to alert the superpower, United States. Historically, fierce competition between two countries has led noticeable progress on both countries. For instance, competition in space technology between United States and the Soviet Union has enabled human to land on the moon, and it ultimately enhanced space technology significantly. As the example shows, the competition in producing destructive weapons will be fierce between United States and China since they not only possess similar power but also are not in a good relationship. Thus, the arms industry will develop apace in a considerable phase in 21st century.
    In addition, advanced science technology enables rapid development of weapon engineering.
Development in physics let us to produce nuclear bomb which was excessively powerful than the previous weapons. Now, humans have noticeable advanced scientific knowledge compared to past society. With much more rigid scientific basis, there is a high probability of human producing extremely destructive weapons. For instance, human’s advanced knowledge in biology enabled military to utilize biochemical weapons. Biochemical weapons caused catastrophic genocides such as holocaust. If the science technology had not have reached a certain level, invention of such destructive weapons would have been impossible. Therefore, advanced science technology allows human to invent more destructive weapons effectively.
         In conclusion, 21st century will bring immense development in arm industry due to the modified power structure of the world and advanced science technology. This change in 21st century might danger the lives of human, so we should be aware of the technological advance we are making. As a matter of fact, we should be keeping track of political situation of the world and today’s technology to effectively utilize what humans possess.

2012년 10월 25일 목요일

Earthlings, what are to talking about?

Earthlings, what are to talking about?
By Jo Hyung Woo
      Earthlings, one of the most famous vegetarianism PR videos, persuades public to stop eating meats by revealing the violence of slaughterhouse. Such scenes like killing innocent animal by ripping off and cutting makes public strongly feel like being vegetarian. They try to reveal the violence of the slaughterhouse, to show how violently meats are produced. They argue that all human species would be vegetarian if the slaughterhouse was surrounded by transparent glasses. They mainly argue that humans are eating meats because they are unaware of what is going on in a slaughterhouse. They are also saying that animal’s right should be protected. It is an evident truth that the animal’s right should be guaranteed, and it is justice to argue for the animal’s right. Nevertheless, Earthling is conveying the importance of animal’s right in an inappropriate way. It is not the violence that we should be focusing on, but how human is abusing the hierarchy in our ecosystem.
    The dominant method of obstructing people from consuming meat is to show the violence of slaughtering. Furthermore, most of the vegetarians stop consuming meats because of this violence. However, violence should not be the main purpose for quitting carnivorous diet. If it is the violence that should be criticized, than another animals would also not be free from harsh criticism. For instance, hyena hunts more violently than we watch in Earthlings. Hyena munches brain of the prey even though it is alive. Sometimes, it starts munching the leg of the live prey which maximizes the violence and the pain that the prey would be suffering. Then, why is hyena free from criticism unlike human? There might be numerous reasons, but the main reason is that they are committing this violence for their survival. On the other hand, humans are being unnecessarily violent for their richness.
     Unlike other tribes, human species are in the top of the hierarchy. In the earth, humans have absolutely dominant over other species. To be specific, humans are free from the danger of being hunted by other species. Therefore, humans can hunt animals for their satisfaction even though they are full. This is why human’s violent act is being criticized. If human’s killed animals for their survival, who would be able to criticize this? Humans are violently killing innocent animals for delight not for their survival. This act should be criticized, and this is what Earthlings should have been focusing on. Showing violent scene may be effective way to persuade the public since all the scenes are sensational, but they are not conveying the essence of the phenomenon they are criticizing at.
     Moreover, the film is criticizing at the wrong subject. After watching the film, it is easy to recognize that the slaughterer is depicted as the most evil character that the video is criticizing at. On contrary, slaughterers are doing their job to maintain their basic standards of life, and the basis of the act of slaughtering is ultimately human’s infinite desire to full their stomach. So, the film should have focused on the other side. If Earthlings wanted to persuade people to become vegetarian, and save innocent animal, they should have analyzed the reason why humans are craving for excessive amount of meat. After analyzing the reason, they had to show that humans are unnecessarily being violent to innocent animal. If this has been successfully conveyed by people, people might have learned a lot more than an original film and it might have made people to think a lot about the animal’s right. Also, it could have suggested a solution for us. The original film, does not have an absolute solution instead of being a vegetarian. It is requiring too extreme solution. It might have improved the quality of film, if it suggested us to reduce our desire and the sacrifice that the innocent animals are making for our human species.
     Even though, the film is quite out of focus, still the film has its value since it made numerous people aware how violently meats are produced. This video has shown how human could be so violent, and by watching this video a lot of people became vegetarian which protected us from innocent animals suffering from extreme pain. Humans can consume meats since foods are necessary for survival, and not everyone can survive by consuming meats. However, reducing the  amount of meat consumed can be important for us to save the innocent lives of animal. If humans have not required enormous amount of meat, maybe a lot of animals might be able to be grown up in a fertile land, not in dirty slaughterhouse. Despite of the some problems in the film, it is still an excellent film that aware us from the inconvenient truth that we were ignoring.

2012년 9월 24일 월요일

Be Proud of Yourself!(personal anecdote essay1)

 I was invited to Camp named CTY which was held in Luthern College, U.S., when I was 3rd grade in Elementary school. Therefore I had to fly to L.A. alone in young age. Even though flight to L.A. might seem easy, flying 12hours alone in that age was very stressful to me. After 12hours of stressful flight I have finally arrived to Luthern college. I did not recognize that numerous hardships will be waiting in this moment. During the second day of camp, I had influenza by mistakenly eating noxious plants. I had three roommates, and all three of them were Jewish. They woke me up frequently in midnight since they were not allowed to turn on the lights in certain period of time for religious region. This made me more difficult to adapt to the twelve hours time difference, which made my disease aggravate. Moreover, I did not have friend to console me at that time. Thus, I was sick, could not adapt to the time difference and did not have friend. Not to mention that there was sports program, parties and numerous extracurricular activities, what I could only do was to study in the lecture since I was extremely sick and didn’t have friend.
 My Room Assistant has advised me to try to get along with my roommates when he recognized my situation. He told me that I was not capable of getting along with friends since I was feeling inferior compared to friends. Actually, I was feeling inferior since my friends were not only taller than me but also was good at sports. By following advice of my Room assistant I first started to get along with my roommates first. When I started conversation with them, they listened to me carefully and also asked me about Korean culture. Sharing culture allowed us to understand each other well which led me to become best friend with my roommate Ari. Since Ari really liked basketball, he asked me to play it together. I played basketball with Ari, and I naturally built relationship with other friends who played basketball. Thanks to Ari, I had a lot of friends which made camp enjoyable.
 The time passed so fast, so that the last day of the camp came so early. When I was saying farewell to friends, I thought that camp would have been more exciting if I made friends earlier. On the other hand, I could experience diverse cultures and I recognized the importance of self esteem. The camp’s purpose was to teach diverse subjects to students, but the camp presented me more valuable experience.

2012년 9월 20일 목요일

Monthly TOEFL Essay #1: Different way of saying

     As George Santayana said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, introspection of past events is a crucial aspect of progression. Therefore people maintain some past rules that are helpful to society, and modify several laws which they regard unnecessary or harmful. Some systems which are proved to be utile, as a result, are succeeded until today. Remaining rules or life patterns are called tradition when they are indigenous. There are numerous traditions in my county Korea, and using honorific is one of it. An honorific is an expression with connotations conveying esteem. I would like other countries to adopt tradition of using honorific for three reasons: horrific enables citizens to maintain good social relationship, effective conversation and maintain the order of the society.
     To begin with, using honorific promotes social harmony. Using honorific shows respect to elderly and people in higher social status. Since most of the conflicts occur when people believe that their opinions are not respected, using honorific lowers the chance of conflict occurring. There are numerous situations when people’s opinions differ. When a person’s opinion is contradicted by other, one might feel uncomfortable. Sometimes this uncomfortable feeling is connected to conflict. However honorific mitigates this uncomfortable feeling since it ensures that a person is not looking down on others. As a result, using honorific stimulates amicable relationship.        
     Furthermore, using honorific allows one to effectively convey opinion. This is because using honorific shows respect and not using honorific shows friendliness. For instance, politicians use honorific in public announcement to show that they not only respect the audience but that they are serious. On the other hand, people sometimes intentionally does not use honorific. Close friends usually does not use honorific to show sense of closeness. This is because honorific is conventionally used in public place or to a person in higher social status. This also means that conversation without honorific is private and intimate. As the example shows, honorific allows one to effectively convey opinion by using it in different situations.
      Last but not least, honorific contributes to orderly society. When majority ignores the rank of the society, chaos occurs in the society. This is because the society requires leader and follower to effectively finish the major project. If project does not have a leader, it will consume a long time to allocate parts. Using honorific, however, stimulates people to maintain the rule of the society. When a person uses honorific to boss, it clearly shows that one not only respects boss but also one is on the lower rank. As a result, honorific prevents chaos of the society.
     In conclusion, I would like to introduce the custom of using honorific to foreigners because it helps to establish methodical, harmonic society and enables diverse expressions. Some people say that Korea should stop using honorific since it deters creativity and leads to excessively perfunctory society. As a matter of fact, honorific is Korea’s proud tradition which made people to call Korea, the country of courteous people in the East.

2012년 8월 30일 목요일

Introducing myself and my goals

      Hello, My name is Jo Hyung Woo who's attending in class 10b1. I'm a domestic student looking forward to major in math. I'm especially interested in projective geometry. My hobby is to play cello(I don't have a lot of chance to play it on KMLA), I have started playing it when I was 9years old so I have been playing it for a long time. Even though I have played it long time, I can't play it well since I didn't practice a lot. I actually have time to practice and play cello, but I spend most of my leisure time to play soccer with my friends. I am trying to use this free time to study in this semester, but I think this will be hard to move in practice lol.
      Since, I decided to study hard this semester, I will talk about I want to achieve listening to the lecture. By listening speaking&writing class I am looking forward to improve my writing skills in diverse ways. When I read my essay, I recognize that my sentence structures are monotonous. Moreover, I also have vocabulary problems while writing essay. This makes me to look over dictionary every time when I try to write an essay. Therefore by writing essays and rewriting the revised one, I want to write essay with diverse sentence structures. Furthermore, I will improve my vocabulary by memorizing some vocabulary books.

2012년 5월 12일 토요일

Vision Trip..... So Far!
First Day
We flew to San Francisco!! After that we had to take one more plane to go to Boston! 

Second Day
We visited two universities MIT and Harvard
In MIT we toured campus and also listened to Info Session.
MIT's motto was "mind in hand" and this university emphasized the importance of applying technology in the world. Something interesting about MIT was that there were 7~10%of student who major in humanity in this college!! Also, gender ratio was 50to 50!
Visit to MIT made me change to international field to domestic field!!
Moreover, MIT seemed to have rivalry(?) with Harvard that admission officer was satistfied when we told that we visited MIT before visiting Harvard. lol

This is a photo of Q&A time between graduates of KMLA and us. 

Harvard: Since I forgot to bring my cellphone I couldn't take lots of picture. There was campus tour with graduates. We could learn about Harvard and also the entire structure of the college
 This might be the most famous statue in Harvard which contains famous three lies.
That the model of the statue is not John Harvard himself and information in the statue is wrong and John Harvard is not the founder of Harvard University. Furthermore, there is a saying that if we rub the left shoe of the statue than one or descendant of one will be accepted to Harvard.

Second Day: We have visited Yale on the Second Day. 17th wavers liked the campus of the Yale best so far(I liked MIT the best..) We had campus tour with student attending Yale who is on the picture and he told that he was psychology major but also Pre Med. What he told as the biggest characteristic of Yale University was flexibility. He told that it is really easy to change major so that one could chase their dreams easily...

Third Day: We visited Columbia University. Since Columbia University was in New York, tour guides(KMLA graduates) have said that they could enjoy more than other universities. Since we just had 2hours I could not learn more about this university but it seemed like a great university.

Moreover we have watched broadway musical and visited timesquare and also went to Rock Feller building.

2012년 4월 4일 수요일

Everything is a Remix

What we see, listen, smell, touch, eat was a remix. In our society, copyright has been a hot issue after appearance of the internet. Therefore such bills like SOPA(Stop Online Piracy ACt) and PIPA(Protect IP ACT) has been also controversial between a lot of people. When I started to be interested in such copyright laws I first believed that intellectual property should be freely shared with the intervention of law. Since WWW was made for sharing information freely, and I still respect this purpose of WWW. Moreover, as the documentary shows, none of the information is original itself but is combination of other contexts. Thus, I thought that intellectual properties such as music files should be able to download freely. As documentary shows, musics like Led Zeppelin was a combination of diverse music, so I believed that I had right to download the music since the artists were also the one who benefits by using others properties to enhance quality of their music. This was how I though before preparing for presentation related to copyrights. In KMLA I had to make a presentation for Ms.Kang's Class. Since I was interested in copyrights I decided to make one related to piracy so I had a chance to research about copy rights. After research, my thought have changed significantly. It is not because I did not want give my power point free to other people, but after watching documentary showing how movie is made. A movie is made by numerous people and they put significant amount of effort on it. Of course movie created by these people are also a Remix. Furthermore, this remixing method might also not be original. However, the efforts they made are neither remix nor imitation. My older sister also have worked on KBS as supporting PD of program called 6시 내고향 and program is just a documentary of lives of people living in rural areas. This program is not genuine and also some places were introduced by other programs. Even though it might be a remix, the efforts my older sister and other producers made should be respected. Without their effort, remixed program would not exist. That's why now I believe intellectual property should be protected and respected. 

2012년 3월 12일 월요일

Do we need education of national identity?

     KMLA(Korea Minjok Leadership Academy) is famous for its unique educational system. Between numerous characteristics of KMLA, I want to write about KMLA's education of national identity.
     Why does KMLA emphasize national identity education? Most of people believe that there are mainly two reason that KMLA emphasizes national identity education. To begin with, unlike other ordinary high school students there are a lot of students applying for university abroad. Therefore, without national identity education they might lose ego identity. If the lose their ego identity while studying abroad, they will suffer from stress so KMLA educates students about national identity. Furthermore, when they ignore Korean culture when studying abroad, then KMLA would be criticized so that school's image can be damaged. 
     Secondly, KMLA is a Korea Minjok Leadership Academy. To lead Korea, one should be pride of being Korean. Since, KMLA's main purpose is to raise the leader of the nation, KMLA should grow leader with national identity. Moreover, the founder of KMLA lived in Japanese colonial period. During this period the founder, 최명재, have seen numerous Korean betraying the country and also experienced the importance of national leader. Therefore, KMLA searches for a global leader with national identity so national identity education is required in KMLA.
     Nevertheless, some people now say that national identity educations like 혼정, 아침기 should be optional, not necessary. Its because in global society excessive national identity education could lead to ultranationalism in global society. Moreover, necessary national identity education might also lead student to disregard other cultures. 
    So what do you think about national identity education. Even though it is needed by how should we educate national identity. Just 혼정, 아침기, national ceremony or just learn in our daily life?

2012년 3월 9일 금요일

2nd draft

                                        Dream a dream
                                                                                                Jo Hyung Woo
First of all, I want to say that I don’t have any special experience like the guy who survived from an airplane crash, or great achievement like Nelson Mandela. I’m just an ordinary teenager like you guys, so I have thought a lot about how to make an inspiring speech. After lots of thought and deciding, I arrived at a conclusion. I won’t be making an impressive speech like Steve Jobs, but I want to share my little experience with you guys. While preparing my speech, I searched for numerous famous speeches such as the speech made by Steve Jobs and Abraham Lincoln. Nevertheless, the most inspiring speech that I have watched was a speech made by Martin Luther King Jr. It starts with the famous saying “I have a Dream”, and talks about an ideal society that he dreams of. I was impressed by his speech since his dream was so beautiful and he has lived for that dream. I also want to talk about a “Dream”. When I was young, I used to say that my dream was to become an international lawyer. After entering middle school, nevertheless, I recognized that I wanted to be an international lawyer just because of high salaries. Therefore, when people asked about my dream during my middles school years, I said “I don’t have a dream.” I was not sure what to do in the future and didn’t even decide my career. So, I want to share concerns that I had while thinking about my dream.
As most teenagers do, I had a hard time since I didn’t know what to do in the future. I wanted to be a lawyer because of high salaries, I also wanted to be politician because of the authority and honor it provides, and also I was hesitating between other numerous careers. Therefore, I did not have an exact path or role model to follow. When I watched my friends, they seemed to have a dream and they looked like they were studying for there dreams. Nevertheless, I didn’t know what I was studying for and my future was uncertain. Studying such subjects like Korean, American History was very stressful and painful since I could not find the relationship between such subjects and my dream. Nevertheless, studying statistics was fascinating and interesting for me. Since I really liked studying statistics, I decided to become a math professor. I knew that it is extremely hard to become a professor, and especially a math professor receives low salaries. But I decided to become a math professor since I believed that dedicating my knowledge to the society was worthwhile. Even though I might not be famous or rich like you guys in the future, I guarantee that I will be very happy. It’s because I will be teaching and studying what I want. Now, I want to help you to become a happy person.
Some of you might be in agony because you are not sure what to do. However, what I learned from searching for my career is that you are not wandering without a destination. It is just a process of preparing for your dream. Before determining to become a professor, I searched about the pros and cons of numerous jobs. It has taken 16years for me to find my career. Some people might think that searching for a career for 16years is a waste of time. Since I was not able to choose my career, I could not focus on one subject so I have studied American History, Korean and English which are not related to statistics. Even though there is a saying “jack of all trades, and master of none.” I do not regret studying such subjects. By studying such subjects I learned more about my life and perspective. I did not have a chance to learn statistics sophisticatedly but politics taught me how to think deeply and philosophy suggested to me an ideal life. Even though some people believe that one should find a career in childhood and prepare for it, but it is not true. You are not wandering without destination, but widening your perspective. Having a dream itself is beautiful, however isn’t searching for your dream also beautiful? 

2012년 3월 8일 목요일

After Watching Catfish

     Today, I want to write what I have felt after reading CATFISH. Since I am one of facebook user this made me doubt rather my friends are real or not. By this movie I could recognize both advantages and shortcoming of SNS(Social Network Service). The advantageous factor of SNS that it is easy to make relationship with other people. I also made a lot of friends by facebook since it makes me easy for me to express my feelings to other people. Therefore, I could make numerous friends in online which made me I belong to the specific group. In Angela's case especially she could make new relationship to overcome her son's death. Nevertheless, this also caused some disadvantageous factors of SNS. Since people don't communicate in face to face, a lot of people tend to lie and hurt others feeling. I also had similar experience. In facebook I met a person who knows me but I did not know that person. Suddenly, he started to chat with me so I was very embarrassed. After finding out the information of that people, I recognized that it was just fake profile. Therefore, I could understand Nev's feeling when he found out that Megan was a imaginary person.
     This movie made me think of relationship between people. In SNS we can make numerous relationship, but cannot make deep relationship between each other. In the real world, we could make deep relationship with people but we are not able to make 100friends in a day like facebook. So, this led me to the question. "What should be relationship like?" In facebook we are chatting with person who we don't even know. So is this relationship sincere? Nevertheless numerous people including me are doing facebook and still making a lot of relationship. Even though I know that some relationship may not be sincere, I think we are making relationship to feel emptyness that we felt in the real world like Angela did.