KMLA(Korea Minjok Leadership Academy) is famous for its unique educational system. Between numerous characteristics of KMLA, I want to write about KMLA's education of national identity.
Why does KMLA emphasize national identity education? Most of people believe that there are mainly two reason that KMLA emphasizes national identity education. To begin with, unlike other ordinary high school students there are a lot of students applying for university abroad. Therefore, without national identity education they might lose ego identity. If the lose their ego identity while studying abroad, they will suffer from stress so KMLA educates students about national identity. Furthermore, when they ignore Korean culture when studying abroad, then KMLA would be criticized so that school's image can be damaged.
Secondly, KMLA is a Korea Minjok Leadership Academy. To lead Korea, one should be pride of being Korean. Since, KMLA's main purpose is to raise the leader of the nation, KMLA should grow leader with national identity. Moreover, the founder of KMLA lived in Japanese colonial period. During this period the founder, 최명재, have seen numerous Korean betraying the country and also experienced the importance of national leader. Therefore, KMLA searches for a global leader with national identity so national identity education is required in KMLA.
Nevertheless, some people now say that national identity educations like 혼정, 아침기 should be optional, not necessary. Its because in global society excessive national identity education could lead to ultranationalism in global society. Moreover, necessary national identity education might also lead student to disregard other cultures.
So what do you think about national identity education. Even though it is needed by how should we educate national identity. Just 혼정, 아침기, national ceremony or just learn in our daily life?